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This document is not an official translation.

The Association reserves the rights to make modifications to this translation.

1 § Name and Domicile

The name of the registered Association is Helix ry and its domicile is Helsinki. The association may be referred to informally as Helix.

2 § Purpose of the Association

The association is a student organisation, whose purpose is to act as a representative for the general and common interests of students studying biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, as well as cellular and molecular biology at the University of Helsinki, to acquaint its members with professional issues in their field, and to support sustainable development principles through its activities.

3 § Implementation of the Purpose

To fulfill its purpose, the association:

  • Advocates for the study and professional interests of students in biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, as well as cellular and molecular biology
  • Develops educational activities organized by students
  • Maintains contact with student organizations and other organizations in the field
  • Fosters a sense of community among students
  • Monitors societal changes related to the life sciences
  • Seeks to promote the appreciation of life sciences in society. To advance these objectives, the association publishes its own magazine and organizes study guidance, meetings, lecture sessions, social gatherings, and similar events
  • Issues statements, initiates actions, and takes other similar measures
    To support its activities, the association may accept donations and bequests and own securities.

4 § Language of Association’s Minutes

The language of the association’s minutes is Finnish. Matters may also be presented in Swedish or English at the association’s and board’s meetings. The association’s communications are published in Finnish as well as English.

5 § Members

a) Regular Members
Regular membership is open to individuals studying bio-sciences as their major or minor subject at the University of Helsinki and who have paid the prescribed membership fee. Membership is free of charge for the first seven (7) years, including the year of joining, after which an annual membership fee determined by the association’s meeting will be charged. New regular members are approved by the board or the association’s meeting.

b) Alumni Members
Alumni membership is open to individuals who have graduated from the fields represented by the association at the University of Helsinki and who have paid the prescribed membership and membership fees. Alumni members pay a membership fee determined by the association’s meeting every five years. New alumni members are approved by the board or the association’s meeting.

c) Supporting Members
Supporting membership is open to individuals who pay the prescribed joining fee. Supporting members pay an annual support membership fee determined by the association’s meeting, excluding the year of joining. New supporting members are approved by the board or the association’s meeting.

d) Honorary Members
Honorary membership may be conferred upon individuals who have significantly contributed to the association or to whom respect is otherwise due. The decision to appoint honorary members is made by the association’s meeting. Honorary members are not required to pay membership fees.

6 § Rights of Members

All members of the association have the right to participate in events organized by the association and to use student overalls with the association’s logo. All members of the association have the right to speak at the association’s meetings. Regular members have the right to vote at the association’s meetings. Other members of the association do not have voting rights at the association’s meetings.
All members of the association have the right to attend and speak at board meetings.
Regular members are eligible to stand for election to the association’s board and as office bearers. Other members of the association do not have a similar right.

7 § Resignation of Members

A member may resign from the association by notifying the board or its chairperson in writing or by announcing the resignation at the association’s meeting to be recorded in the minutes. The resignation is considered effective from the date of notification.

8 § Removal of Members

The board may unanimously decide to remove a member who has not paid their membership fee one (1) month after the due date stated in the reminder, or who is deemed to have caused significant damage to the association’s property or activities, or who appears in public as a representative of the association without proper authorization and to the detriment of the association. The board may also remove a member who no longer meets the eligibility criteria for membership. The board may impose disciplinary measures on a member if their actions have caused harm to the association or to another member of the association.
Disciplinary measures may include imposing a penalty, issuing a written warning or reprimand, and restricting membership rights, such as banning entry to the association’s events.

9 § Board and Officers of the Association

The affairs of the association are managed by a board, consisting of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer, secretary, and at least three and at most eleven other members.
The board is elected for one year at a time by the general meeting. Additional members may be appointed to the board if necessary at the association’s meeting during the term of office, but only until the end of the current term of office.
The general meeting of the association may, at its discretion, elect officers for various tasks to manage the association’s activities for one calendar year at a time. Officers may also be appointed at the board’s or association’s meeting during the term of office, but only until the end of the current term of office.

10 § Resignation of Board Member or Officer

A board member may resign from the board by notifying the chairperson or board in writing. If necessary, another person may be appointed to the board at the association’s meeting, but only until the end of the current term of office.
An officer may resign in writing from their position to the board if they are unable to fulfill their duties. The officer is considered to have resigned from the date of notification. If necessary, a new officer may be appointed at the board’s or association’s meeting, but only until the end of the current term of office.

11 § Removal of Board Member or Officer

The general meeting of the association may, for valid reasons, remove a board member during their term of office if the matter is mentioned in the meeting notice. If removed, another person may be appointed to the board at the association’s meeting, but only until the end of the current term of office. The general meeting of the board or the association may, for valid reasons, remove an officer from office during their term of office. If removed, another officer may be appointed at the board’s or association’s meeting, but only until the end of the current term of office.
Decisions on removal must be made by a majority of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.

12 § Board Meetings

The chairperson or vice-chairperson convenes board meetings. The meeting must be notified at least three (3) days in advance on the association’s website and the association’s general email list. The board meeting is quorate if at least half of the board members, including the chairperson or vice-chairperson, are present.
Decisions are made by a simple majority, except for matters mentioned in sections 8, 11, and 13 of the rules. In the event of a tie, the chairperson’s vote decides, except in personal elections where the decision is made by drawing lots.

13 § Signing of the Association’s Name

The association’s name is signed by the chairperson and treasurer individually or by the vice-chairperson and secretary together. The board may unanimously authorize a member of the association to sign the association’s name individually.

14 § Association Meeting

The highest decision-making body of the association is the association meeting, which

the board convenes at least twice during the term of office. In addition, a meeting must be convened if the association meeting so decides or if at least 1/10 of the association’s voting members demand it in writing; in this case, the board is obliged to convene the meeting within one month of receiving the demand.
The meeting is legal and quorate when convened in accordance with the rules.
The association meeting must be announced seven (7) days in advance on the association’s website and the association’s general email list. The meeting notice must include matters related to amendments to the rules, the dissolution of the association, the removal of the board, and other matters required by the Association Act.
Decisions at the association meetings are made by a simple majority, except for matters mentioned in sections 11, 17, and 18 of the rules. In the event of a tie, the chairperson’s vote decides, except in personal elections where the decision is made by drawing lots.

15 § Financial and Operating Year

The association’s financial and operating year is the calendar year. The administration and accounts are audited by two auditors elected at the general meeting, who present the accounts to the annual meeting for consideration. Auditors and their personal deputies are elected for one calendar year at a time. The accounts and annual report must be submitted to the auditors at least three (3) weeks before the annual meeting. The treasurer of the financial year and the chairperson of the reporting year are responsible for the financial statements and the annual report, respectively. The auditors must provide their opinion on the association’s accounts and administration to the board at least one (1) week before the annual meeting.

16 § Annual and Election Meetings of the Association

The association holds at least two regular meetings annually. The association’s annual meeting is convened by the end of February. The association’s election meeting is held during the autumn semester of the University of Helsinki.
The annual meeting of the association deals with the following matters:

  • Presentation of the annual report prepared by the previous term’s board
  • Presentation of the association’s accounts and the auditors’ statement on the association’s accounts and administration
  • Decision on the approval of the financial statements and the grant of discharge from liability to the previous term’s board and other responsible persons
  • Decision on the approval of the budget for the current year
  • Decision on the approval of the action plan for the current year
  • Decision on the amount of membership and joining fees for each member group separately
  • Other matters presented to the meeting, taking into account the provisions of section 24 of the Association Act
    The election meeting deals with the following matters:
  • Election of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer, and secretary of the board
  • Election of other board members
  • Election of two auditors and their personal deputies
  • Election of other officers of the association
  • Other matters presented to the meeting, taking into account the provisions of section 24 of the Association Act

17 § Amendment of the Rules

Changes and additions to the rules may be made when the matter has been discussed at two consecutive association meetings held at least two weeks apart, and the latter is approved by a two-thirds majority.

18 § Dissolution of the Association

The dissolution of the association is decided upon at two association meetings convened in accordance with the rules for that purpose. The meetings must be held at intervals of at least one month and at most two months, and a decision to dissolve requires 4/5 of the votes cast at each meeting.

19 § Use of the Association’s Assets upon Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the association, its assets are transferred to activities corresponding to the purpose of the association, as determined by the meetings mentioned in section 18.

20 §

Otherwise, the current Association Act is followed.

(Last updated on March 15, 2024)