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Etusivu » Links


You can find the most useful links for studying here.

Perhaps the most important and frequently used tools are Sisu and Moodle. Office 365 package includes the student’s email service and other Office services. You can also find links to pages where you can browse the teaching offered by the university.

Below are also links guiding to the websites of some local organizations, as well as other interesting or useful sites.

Tools for studying



Office 365




 General (Related to studying, student rights and health)

University of Helsinki (UH)

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS)


University of Helsinki Libraries (HELKA)

Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki (HELDA)

Search for a person

Helsinki library guides

Close organizations

Symbioosi ry – Student association of the students in biology in the University of Helsinki
Svenska Naturvetarklubben r.f. (SvNK) – Swedish spoken student association of the students in biology in the University of Helsinki
MYY ry – Student association of the students in environmental sciences in the University of Helsinki
Biosfääri ry – Faculty association of the students in the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
MMYL ry – Faculty association of the students in the Faculty of Agriculture and forestry
Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY)

HYK ry – Helsingin yliopiston kemistit ry (Student association of the students in chemistry in the University of Helsinki)

HYAL ry – Helsingin yliopiston ainejärjestöjen liitto

List of the associations in the University of Helsinki

Other interesting and/or useful

Loimu – The Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences