The anniversary ball is a formal version of academic tableparties. In Helix ry’s anniversary ball we are celebrating an organization that oversees its students privileges in every sector of the university, and that serves free coffee in the clubroom, while organizing entertaining events throughout the year. Above all, we are celebrating all of you helicans, without whom there would be no organization. This all is worth celebrating!
Participants are expected to dress and act appropriately on this occasion. This etiquette is meant to give direction, and work as a guideline for all celebrators. It does not need to be followed or known to the tee. The most important thing is that everyone has a good time at the event and that everyone has a chance to enjoy a nice, chill and elegant ball.
It is worth noting, that one who mentions another’s faux pas in a loud manner, commits the largest faux pas themselves. At the most, discreetly and unbeknownst to others, can one advise a novice participant in case of need. If you feel the need to remark one about a faux pas, ask yourself “Is this something that can be fixed in a timely manner, before the ball or during the ball?” If the answer is no, it is highly advised to refrain from commenting until after the ball.
At the end of this guideline is a short compilation section called “Remember at least these things”, from which one can quickly revise the most important points.
The anniversary ball is a prestigious academic party and this can be seen in the formal way of dressing up. With the appropriate attire, one shows respect to Helix ry, to the party itself, the organizers, and to all of the guests.
For the anniversary ball, an appropriate attire is traditionally a dark suit, tailcoat, or an evening gown, evening dress or pantsuit made from formal material. Along with a dark suit, traditionally a white pocket handkerchief and a pearl-gray tie are worn with a white dress shirt. Typically, a black tie is not worn during an anniversary ball, as it is primarily reserved for funerals. One can stray from traditional etiquette within good taste and accessories and attire can be colorful.
The gown, dress or pantsuit should be of full length and formal. Full length meaning that when worn with shoes, only the tips of the shoes should be visible. The length is not absolute, but it is desirable that the length of the fabric would be over the ankle. Usually with an evening gown, open toed shoes are not worn, but during an anniversary ball many kinds of shoes can be seen. The most important thing is that the shoes worn are comfortable and formal.
The color of the evening attire does not have to be black or dark. It also does not have to be of only one color. Traditionally, if the evening gown is strapless, one’s shoulders are covered with, for example, a scarf that matches the dress until the main course. This rule is not absolute. The attire consists of jewelry and a small and neat clutch that matches the prestige of the event. The clutch should be strapless, but clutches with straps can be seen. Many have clutches that have detachable straps that are removed for the evening and put back during the afterparty!
Hair should be formal, and long hair is tied up into a hairdo. As a common rule, long hair is when one’s hair reaches past the shoulders. This is not a definite demand, but from experience, it can be said that especially during the afterparty it is nicer to have your hair up and out of your neck. It is frequently less common to get your hair done at a hair salon, like some people get during, for example “the old dances”. Simple is beautiful!
We would like to iterate that for the ball one does not have to buy a new outfit. We encourage one to use clothes that they already own, to borrow from a friend, or to rent the attire. The etiquette does not need to be followed to the tee, as long as the attire is of prestige for the event. For example, one hardly sees others wearing a scarf to cover their shoulders and hairstyles are fairly different and free these days. First and foremost we want everyone to feel comfortable at the ball.
Use of organization ribbon
Academic badges of merit and honor are a part of the ball attire. Helix ry’s thinner organization ribbon is reserved for officials and members. Members of the board wear a thicker organization ribbon along with a pin. Past members of the board attach the pin next to the organization ribbon, along with badge(s) of honor. One is allowed to wear all ribbons and badges one has acquired from different organizations or student associations. Members can purchase the organization ribbon before the week of the ball.
Traditionally the ribbon on men is tied together from its ends and it travels from the right shoulder diagonally over the chest to the left hip, where the knot is. Respectively, the ribbon on women would travel from the left shoulder to the right hip. The organization ribbon of Helix ry can be worn in whichever way one sees fit, not depending on one’s gender.
Alternatively, the ribbon can be used to make a bow and be attached to one’s attire on the left side. This is commonly used with dresses, as the organization ribbon cannot touch bare skin. If any of these rules are “strict” then this one is. A guide to folding the ribbon into a bow can be found here.
Behaving at the ball
It is crucial to arrive at the ball early, as being late is extremely impolite. If one is unable to be on time, it should be made sure that one does not disrupt the ball when entering. Coat check can be found to the left of the entrance, and one should wait there for a good spot to enter the ball. It is not appropriate to go to one’s seat in the middle of a speech or a song.
On the side of the ball room, a placemap can be found. From here one can check where your seat is. It is advised to check the location of one’s seat and table in good time before moving to the table. At the beginning of the ball guests, in principle, wait standing behind their chairs, until the coordinators give them the right to sit down. It is of good manners to introduce oneself to people they do not know at the table. Once seated, the clutch is placed on one’s lap and possible gloves are removed for the duration of dinner.
Beyond breaks, unnecessary movement in the ballroom is avoided as it is not polite to leave the table other than for a pressing matter. During speeches and songs movement into and out of the ballroom are not allowed. If a speech or song is in the middle when one is returning to their seat, it is polite to wait at a doorway or hallway until it is over.
Speeches are listened to in a quiet manner, regardless of their length or how boring they are. During the ball phrases like “Mellansup”, “Tempo” or “Omstart” are not used even during the longest of speeches or songs. During the duration of the speech or song, all eating, and chatter must be stopped. At the most, one can take a quick sip to drink, but this should be done discreetly and unnoticeably without clinking glasses.
An essential part of the ball are the (drinking)songs that are sung together. During the ball, there will be two toastmasters to whom it is possible to present song suggestions during conference breaks. During the ball one cannot start a song by clinking their glass, as all songs are started by the toastmasters. It is good to remember that when asking for a song, to take into account the formality of the ball, and to wait until after the main course to suggest other songs. One can bring their songbook with them to the ball, but at the table each guest will have a compact songbook waiting for them.
Traditional phrases used during sitz, for example “Hiiii”, “Who are you” and “Are you single”, are not a part of the ball at all. During songs it is not allowed to hit the tables, even though it might be a part of the song, for instance like it is in Helan går.
After a song or a speech, it is time to raise a glass and give a toast! Glasses are only raised, not clinked together. At the ball we will be using cross toasting. One will first toast to the guest sitting on their left diagonally, then to their right diagonally and lastly to the guest sitting in front of you. The toast is not “undone”, as it is usually done at Helix ry’s sitz. During the toast guests make eye contact and lift their glasses at the same time, giving a subtle nod and taking a sip of their drink. When raising a glass, the drink is typically sipped. After certain “drinking” songs the glass is typically emptied, this being the case with shots / schnapps.
If a song is dedicated to a certain drink, the same drink is used to make the toast. This would be the case with Aqua vera, and after this song the toast would be done with a water glass. It is good to note that one should save a bit from their welcoming drink for a possible welcoming greeting and toast.
As it is common with cold foods, it is polite to wait for each of one’s table guests to get their food before starting to eat. With warm foods the manners differ, but a good guideline to use is to start eating after both of the guests sitting next to you, and the guest in front of you have their meals. It is also possible to agree with guests at the table on when it is appropriate to start eating.
When one is presented with multiple sets of silverware, the outer silverware is the place to start. The outer fork and knife are meant for the entrée and the inner ones for the main course. The silverware for dessert is typically placed next to the glasses near the top of the plate. Each guest will have separate glasses for water, white and red wine and schnapps.
Dance card
After the dinner, the traditional academic dances will take place. For these dances every guest will have a dance card, in which one may ask for partners at appropriate times, like during conference breaks. If one is dancing with guests from their own table, can the dance card be filled out during free socializing time or during eating. The first dance is typically danced with one’s avec or the guest sitting right next to you, but for other dances one can seek out different dance partners. It is not mandatory to attend the dances.
The after-party takes place in the same location as the ball, and is of a more relaxed kind of celebration. The afterparty begins after the academic dances. During this time the bar will be open and our band will make sure there is some heat on the dance floor. At the latest, this time of the night is more relaxed and many guests choose to change into something more comfortable to wear. It should be noted that even though the attire for the afterparty is more relaxed than the ball, the attire should still be formal.
Herring breakfast
Sillis a.k.a the herring breakfast is traditionally held on the following morning or day after the ball. As its name suggests, it is a breakfast meant for the day after a celebration. Some may even say that the herring breakfast is the main event. There will be free food and drinks for each guest, not forgetting drinks with percentages. In addition, there will be a lot of different kinds of activities to take part in, so make sure to join us!
This event is relaxed and laid back and this can be seen in the attire, as one is allowed to wear their overalls. The party will be going until the late evening, from which point on the bravest of us will traverse and keep the party going into the crazy night in Malmi. We have taken into account the precious bank accounts of students, and this is why it is allowed to bring your own drinks and snacks to this event. The best part about the herring breakfast? We made a special overall patch just for this event!
Remember at least these things:
- The attire etiquette does not need to be followed to the tee. It is meant to work as a guideline.
- Be on time.
- Songs can be requested from the toastmasters during breaks. Take into account the formality of the event when requesting songs.
- Respect the event and other guests and avoid unnecessary movement in the ballroom. Do not go into or out of the ballroom during speeches.
- Shouting phrases used at sitz and shaking the table are not a part of the ball.
- Toast diagonally to the left, diagonally to the right and finally to the front.
- And the most important: Have fun and enjoy the party!