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Lendable items

Helix ry has gathered a lot of different items throughout the years. We haven’t been able to use these items a lot, but we want them to be beneficial to helicans. Therefore we are offering a possibility to borrow these items! Borrowing can be done by contacting someone from the Helix board with whom you can figure out a time to pick the items up. Two contracts are filled at the time of borrowing. Borrowing items is completely free, but of course the borrower is responsible over the borrowed items. Lendable items are:

  • Vivitek D538W-3D projector
  • Olympus binoculars 8×40 DPS I
  • Behringer VMX 1000 professional DJ mixer (very old)
  • SOH NM-812 Professional Dynamic Microphone (old styled AUX-connection, the cord can be changed or you can use  an adaptor on it)
  • Foldable table (75 cm x 180 cm)

Maximum borrowing time is usually two weeks. You can get more information and more specific instructions by contacting Helix board!