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Etusivu » News » The International Issue of Vapaa Radikaali has been published! ✨

The International Issue of Vapaa Radikaali has been published! ✨

Hello everyone, hope you all are having a wonderful summer!


I’m happy to inform that the first ever international issue of Helix’s student magazide VR (Vapaa Radikaali) has been published!


“Origin was inspired by the origin of life and Finnish mythodology. In this magazine, we aim to study the origin different subjects, like our dear organisation, evolution, student life and last but not least, buttholes. This is an international issue and we also had an opportunity to have an international student writing for this magazine, as well as some international scientists from researgh groups from Viikki campus. Thank you all for your devotion for this magazine, enjoy!”


Take a look at the new magazine here:


On behalf of the magazine team,
Lilja Nikula, Editor-in-chief
Helix Ry