Hey students of Viikki!
Biofilm, Viikki campus’ photographing club founded by Helix ry, is organizing its second photowalk on 21.11. This time we will get to know photographing in urban environment and to visualize life in Helsinki during these grey times of November. Everybody’s welcomed from all fields and academical ages!
The photowalk will begin 15:00 in Sörnäinen in Katri Vala’s park and we’ll walk through Kallio to Hakaniemi (in the direction of Tokoinranta) and from there we continue to Pasila. If there’s still time and people are still interested after that, we can take a train to city centre. The photowalk will be a few hours long and we’ll walk 4-6 kilometres. If the weather is utterly horrible, event can be rescheduled to 22.11. or the next week. Possible cancellation will be informed in groups and lists of associations belonging to Biosfääri (MYY, Symbioosi and Helix) and in the Facebook-group of Biofilm (can be found by name ”Kuvausklubi Biofilmi | Photographing club Biofilm”) Please join the group if you’re interested in our activities!
Because of the ongoing corona pandemic the number of participants is limited to 20 and all participants have to register themselves in the e-form linked in the end of this message. Registration isn’t binding but we wish that you will inform organizers (Timo Pihlajamäki & Saku Mattila) if you’re unable to join us. We recommend wearing a face mask during the photowalk. All the familiar COVID-19 restrictions apply to this event too, so come only if you’re healthy.
Welcome to capture all the good and bad of Helsinki during this grey time of the year! We’ll see 21.11!
• Timo & Saku